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At Heart After Arts our motto is "Set The Standard."


We believe in creating our own standards for life so that we can achieve, create, and ultimately live at the highest level possible. Nothing is out of reach for us. Our dreams are not too big, in fact, we routinely believe that perhaps they just aren't big enough. Our work is guaranteed to be the best because we put our hearts entirely into everything we do. We are passionate about the arts and we take our crafts seriously. We work hard at perfecting our craft and we refuse to accept second best!


As a woman of color, our founder, Ayana, saw a grossly huge limitation in the scrapbooking world. There are no characters who look like me. There are no girls with curly hair and tanned skin. Representation matters so much to young girls (and boys!), but the need for representation does not just go away with age. Us older folks need proper representation too!


It is from this thought that our Scrapbooking division was created. While some select companies have begun to include persons of color in their designs, there really aren't many (if any) companies that feature predominantly black characters. It is time for this to change. This is where the second half of our motto comes from, "Be The Change." Sometimes when the world refuses to acknowledge issues that are important to us, we must rise up to the occasion ourselves. And that is what we are doing here. Instead of hoping and waiting for a company to feature people who look like us; we are creating it.


We hope that you will join us in changing the Scrapbooking community by demanding more of the companies that serve us.


Welcome to our site. We're happy to have you here.

Seriously, we are. Thank you for your support.

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